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Letting Go….

Autumn is definitely here; the sun is lower, evenings are cool and tomorrow is the equinox. In Asian Medicine, Autumn is associated with the metal element and Lung and Large Intestine organs. Both these organs are concerned with release and letting go. The Lung is responsible for the exhalation of breath and Large Intestine releases solid waste materials. The corresponding emotions of Lung are sadness, grief, disappointment.


Take advantage of this season which is so supportive of letting go of all things which do not serve you in present time. This includes clutter in your home or habits/patterns which are not beneficial. Start your day with some Lung clearing and strengthening qi gong, it combines movement, breath and sound.

If you have been feeling bloated, have skin issues, constipation, overall imbalanced, it may be time for some Large Intestine cleansing. This yoga exercise is good for both Lung and Large Intestine meridians (energy pathways).

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Wildfire Smoke Detox

Weeks of wildfires and most of California has not seen blue skies, or clear air. The smoke and its very fine particles effects us on all levels. We need to support our bodies with some extra love, detoxification and water.

Explore this link for wildfire or disaster preparation.

Drink water – lots of it, more than usual. Nourishes all cells and aids in moving toxins out

NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) : helps create and maintain glutathione. Great anti-oxidant and support for lungs and liver.

Vitamin C: in times of stress, bodies consume higher levels of this vitamin, which is so beneficial for immunity.


My Detox Tea for Wildfires: all ingredients are in your local health food store’s bulk herb section. Buy 1-2 ounces each, combine all and store in mason jar. 1 tsp in teaball for 3-4 cups hot water. Steep 5-10 minutes. Drink 3 cups daily.

Equal parts each

  • Lemongrass: good for achy joints, exhaustion
  • Milk Thistle: supports liver
  • Osha Root: LUNG health, detoxification and support
  • Nettle Leaf: allergy relief, analgesic pain relief and anti-inflammatory
  • Plantain leaf: cough, cold, and lung irritation
  • Burdock root: protect liver, detoxify blood, help protect the body from damaging free radicals.
  • Yellow Dock root: inflammation of nasal passages and the respiratory tract.
  • Green Tea (anti-inflammatory+) &/or Rooibois Tea ( lowers stress hormones +)
  • Do not use this tea if you are on blood thinners or are pregnant.

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Why not Flip Flops?

Feet are the foundation of our bodies and connection to earth. When they are stable our posture and gait is best. Hot summer is the time we all want to be in minimal clothing, including footwear. Before you slip on your favorite flip-flops – maybe reconsider, especially if you have pain in your back, knees, hips or ankles. And, PLEASE, if you have neuropathy in your feet, don’t even consider wearing these.

When you are wearing this footwear – do you feel stable, are your feet sliding? How are they staying on your feet? While out, look at people’s legs and feet while they are walking in thongs (flip-flops). Do they look stable and move smoothly? Or, do you notice some wobbling in ankles or knees?. I notice more women than men in thongs having trouble walking well. However, I unfortunately see lots of girls creating what could become chronic problems with their alignment. Properly fitting and supportive footwear are helpful not just to feet but all our joints. Unstable feet will create, or contribute to, unstable ankles, knees, hips and pelvis. This footwear, along with stilettos and ballet flats are the worst things you can wear. If you have doubts, ask any podiatrist, orthopedist or physical therapist.

  • What makes flip-flops so bad? they have no SUPPORT. They stay on your feet because your feet and toes grasp to hold them on. This creates all sorts of unnecessary work for your whole body, especially hips, knees, ankles and feet.

Test for footwear support: while feet and toes are fully relaxed, do feet slide or feel secure while standing? While walking?

If you feel you absolutely must wear this flimsy footwear:

get them with arch support, not flat soles (as in pic) and straps which actually hold on to your feet, not sliding around.

Wear for limited time – not all day.

Your feet and joints will thank you.

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