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Sinus Headache Relief

Sometimes sinus headaches are so severe, you wish your head could be removed from your neck to stop the pain. Though many are less severe, they can last days or weeks and make life a struggle. In Winter, heated rooms dry our mucous membranes and, if prone to nasal congestion, can create these headaches. Allergies are generally the culprit in Spring and Autumn. Change in barometric pressure throughout the year can also be a trigger. Pain is usually around eye orbits and forehead, with tension in the neck and shoulders. Chills, fatigue and loss of appetite are also common symptoms.

From a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) perspective there are 3 basic causes of sinus headaches, which are sometimes combined.

  • wind-cold invasion
  • wind-heat invasion
  • dampness

To treat sinus headaches, one acupuncture session can open the nasal and sinus passages and bring instant relief! To prevent recurrence, herbal formulas taken daily are most beneficial. I am not listing individual herbs because, the synergy of them combined in a formula increases their effectiveness. Consult with your TCM practitioner for best individualized results.

If you are prone to sinus headaches, foods which create dampness are to be avoided:

  • alcohol
  • dairy
  • sugar
  • fried foods
  • very hot and spicy foods

If you are unable to get to an acupuncturist, do it yourself tips:

  • one drop of spearmint essential oil behind earlobes (not for children or nursing moms)
  • long hot shower
  • soup with onion and garlic
  • humidifiers in bedrooms
  • air purifiers in home and office

If you have other tips, please share!

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More than Hand Washing

Realistically no vaccine for COVID-19 will be available for 12-18 months. Other than frequent and thorough hand washing, cleaning or not touching surfaces where virus or bacteria may be, sleeping and eating well to maintain your immune system – what can you do?

Know that all coronoviruses effect the lungs. Prior respiratory compromise has been an aspect in many people who have been hospitalized and died from COVID-19. Two great Western herbs to strengthen lungs and combat viruses are:

  • Grindellia (aka gumweed) – supports and soothes the respiratory system and assists in the normal production and elimination of mucous. One of the COVID-19 symptoms is a dry cough. If the cough is dry – the lungs have more trouble expelling it. This herb is considered bitter and acrid
  • Lomatium (aka indian or desert parsley) – antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and non-toxic! This anti-viral is particularly useful for lungs. Dose you see on bottle is for acute condition. To use as preventative, a 1/4 dose is enough once daily. A website page with more detail on its use in 1917 pandemic flu and studies of it.
  • Osha Root *- normally this herb would be included, but it is on the endangered herb list, so it is a no to use.
Petri dish

Chinese herbs are rarely used individually. Formulas are customized for the individual and condition. Formulas change with symptoms and stages of diseases. According to herbal principles, it is necessary to weaken the disease but not the patient so if a patient is depleted, synergy of the herbs is extremely important. Hospitals in China have been treating COVID-19 patients with both Western pharmaceuticals and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). Currently 22 ancient formulas are being used. Some modifications may be employed for specificity.

Acupuncturists who have herbal pharmacies in their clinics, including myself, have the necessary herbs and skills to strengthen immunity and combat viruses. If you are concerned, please speak to your local acupuncturist/herbalist.

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Women & Jaw Pain

Today, the first Friday in February is Heart Awareness Day. Two heart episodes which cause fear are:

  • Heart Attack: when one of the coronary arteries becomes blocked the heart muscle does not get its needed blood. If left untreated, this muscle will begin to die because it is not getting enough oxygen. This is considered a “plumbing” problem.
  • Cardiac Arrest: when a heart stops pumping blood around the body and normal breathing stops. This is due to heart rhythm malfunction and is considered an “electrical” problem.

As you probably know, symptoms for women experiencing a heart attack are different than men. Movies have ingrained in us the images of men gripping their left arms and chests in pain. Women may have that experience, however, it is more likely they will have chest pressure which comes and goes with rest, left sided jaw pain, pain between the scapula and dizziness. To learn more about women’s heart health and danger signs, check out this Mayo Clinic website.

Chronic jaw pain has two main causes: TMJ and sinus inflammation. Both respond well with acupuncture.

If the TMJ was not caused by an accident, it is likely due to teeth grinding and/or jaw clenching. Acupuncture and myofascial release work to relieve stress and open the channels in the jaw and neck area are effective relief modalities, as well as unlearning those destructive habits.

Sinusitis will often cause pain around the eyes, forehead, and upper jaw. Acupuncture quickly opens the nasal and sinus passages to relieve the pressure. Along with herbal therapy to reduce inflammation, clear congestion and benefit the lungs, long term relief is achieved!

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A lot is unknown about this new respiratory virus, first reported in Wuhan China last December.

It has begun appearing in the US and countries around the world. Currently, close contact with an infected person is thought to be the means of transmission. The CDC daily precautions are important to continue to follow. There is currently no vaccine to prevent 2019-nCoV infection. The best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to this virus. To stay current with advice from the CDC and this virus, click here

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
  • If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.

A strong immune system is one of the best defenses against any virus or infection. To increase your immunity I recommend:

  • Get enough sleep, 7-9 hours each night
  • Eat healthy unprocessed organic foods – vegetables, fruit, soups, stews, etc – you know this!
  • Supplements which support your respiratory & immune systems including zinc, vitamin C, NAC, and many possible others. Consult with a knowledgeable practitioner.
  • Reduce stress with movement, laughter, meditation, play – whatever gets you happy and/or calm
  • Wash your hands every time you enter your home or workplace, and use unscented hydrating lotion as needed.
  • And of course – acupuncture treatments to strengthen your immunity and heal whatever ails you.
grapefruit and supplements

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Year of the White Rat

A new year starts January 25th, according to the Chinese astrological calendar. Lillian Bridges, who has been making predictions for 20 years, according to TCM 5 element system, did it again last night. Here are some of the highlights:

First know the color is white and the element is Water & Metal. Metal feeds Water, so it should be harmonious…but, this will also be a Yang year. And Yang is about action, so it might not all be smooth sailing.

The good news: Values of good character will be awarded. People will be fed up with bad behavior. Hypocrisy will no longer be tolerated. Health overall will improve, including stabilization of chronic illnesses. Even insomnia should be less! Creativity and inspiration will be enhanced. This is great year for dating, flirting and sex. If in long term relationship, make time for dates, sex and fun. Because of the Water element, it is a good year for deep personal process work, including old traumas.

Challenges: During autumn & winter there will likely be flooding, rogue waves, atmospheric rivers, blizzards, avalanches & wind storms. Because of weather problems food crops will be lost and famine in some parts of the world will be a challenge. Not a good year for sailing and ocean shipping because of the unpredictable ocean. And because the Fire element is hidden underground earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are likely.

Worldwide: climate scientists will actually be heard, new ideas will spread, long-term politicians will be out because youth will be empowered, past deceptions will continue to rise and be seen and the desire to be with like minded social advocates will be here.

To counteract bad rat energy, ox charms of metal or jade are advised.

Gong Hei Fat Choy!

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